Thursday, January 25, 2007

Chris Hartle

Hello JIO classmates! I regret not being able to attend the reunion and reconnecting with all of you after now more than 20 years. Wow, time does fly doesn’t it? I have so many awesome memories of my three years at JIO and would have enjoyed hearing how all of your lives have evolved in the intervening years. In lieu of that conversation I would really like to hear “your story” if you would share it in an email message to me (

In our brief time apart I have; graduated from West Point (thanks to Stacy Albanese the whole “graduation” thing was a little up in the air for a while there during plebe year! Just kidding Stacy – you kept me sane those first few months); served almost five years in the Army in Germany and Ft. Hood, Texas; received an MBA/MHA and have now settled down in Central Texas (Austin) where I am a Vice President for a large hospital system. I married a Texas girl (Trish) about a year after leaving West Point and we have been blessed with two wonderful Children (Reed – 6, Agatha – 4). We plan to be in Austin for the foreseeable future so if any of you are ever in the area I sincerely hope you will look us up and say hello.

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